Ansynth contribution to the potato protein innovation of Royal Avebe
Royal Avebe has a new strategic course. For many years the focus was on the production and valorization of different types of (industrial) starch, now it is mainly about potato starch and protein for the production of good food.

No E-numbers, more vegetable ingredients, less fats. ,,Which has been a trend for years, and it’s not going away anytime soon. We see the potato as an excellent raw material to participate in this protein transition trend. For example, we are also making great progress in the field of substitutes for meat, gelatin and dairy. And gluten free food is also becoming increasingly important.”
Innovation is necessary and for this purpose Avebe has built an innovation center on the Zernike Campus in Groningen. In addition, Avebe works closely with its suppliers, including Ansynth bv in Breda, to provide the necessary analytical support. Ansynth’s analyzes are important for determining the quality of protein products. Quality is determined by purity and nutritional value.
Look at the website of Avebe for their current innovation strategy
*Source: Interview Gerard ten Bolscher, DVHN, 9-5-2019